Configuring PrimeVue to work with Tailwind 4.0

Tailwind 4 is now available, and there are a lot of new features.
PrimeVue has some tricks for integrating with Tailwind, and you need to make some updates to your PrimeVue and CSS configurations to get it to work with Tailwind 4.
Upgrading Tailwind
First, follow the general Tailwind 4 upgrade guide. This will get you most of the way. We recommend using their upgrade utility to fix some of the classes in your components which may need to be modified due to the class changes between Tailwind 3 and Tailwind 4. The @tailwindcss/vite
plugin is also great to install.
Once you've gone through the guide you should have a modified app.css
(or equivalent for your project) and your tailwind.config.js
will have been removed. You'll now need to modify your app.css
file and your app.ts
to get your layers in the right order and have your classes apply correctly.
Upgrading our PrimeVue configuration
Remove the custom layer configurations and add the tailwindcss
import and tailwindcss-primeui
@layer tailwind-base, primevue, tailwind-utilities;
@layer tailwind-base {
@tailwind base;
@layer tailwind-utilities {
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@import "tailwindcss";
@plugin "tailwindcss-primeui";
Next, change the cssLayer.order
property in your theme configuration
const app = createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })
.use(PrimeVue, {
theme: {
preset: customTheme,
options: {
cssLayer: {
name: "primevue",
order: "tailwind-base, primevue, tailwind-utilities",
darkModeSelector: ".dark",
const app = createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })
.use(PrimeVue, {
theme: {
preset: customTheme,
options: {
cssLayer: {
name: "primevue",
order: "base, primevue",
darkModeSelector: ".dark",
What do these changes actually do?
In the Tailwind 3 implementation we had some css layers which organized the PrimeVue css between the Tailwind layers. In the browser, it looks like this:
0: tailwind-base 1: primevue 2: tailwind-utilities
The tailwind-base
layer contained the @tailwind base
css from tailwind. The tailwind-utilities
layer contained @tailwind components
and @tailwind utilities
. Tailwind 4 provides similar layers for us already. Our changes layer the PrimeVue CSS back in the same spot.
In the new Tailwind 4 with our updated configuration, our css layers now look like this:
0: base 1: primevue 2: theme 3: components 4: utilities
The new layer structure drops the primevue layer right in the middle of the Tailwind layers, exactly where we want it!
This should get your PrimeVue CSS properly integrated with Tailwind 4! We hope that these instructions get you up and running quickly. Please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like assistance with any of your PrimeVue projects.